Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

The Running Dead


3 zombies made it to Rockwood Park in the gloom at 430am for another version of the Graveyard Shift. We were moving a bit faster than your typical walking dead.

Conversation started on the topic of Chaplain’s son Touchdown, who was throwing up yesterday. And we discussed our weekends like Florence’s birthday and Easter festivities.

YHC took us around the park then took Courthouse Rd toward Providence. As we took Courthouse at one point it smelled like something had died. I thought Florence was going to throw up, but he pushed through. YHC took us into my neighborhood and right in front of my house. We turned back the way we came, but I threw in a trip down a pretty big hill, which we had to turn around and climb back up. As we made our way back down Courthouse towards Rockwood, I think Chaplain may have been coming down with whatever Touchdown was dealing with over the weekend. It slowed him down, but he persevered and pushed to the end.

When all was said and done, YHC’s watch said we did 4.8 miles in 48 minutes.

Glad to have Florence and Chaplain out with me this morning. YHC took us out on a pretty tough route that I am pretty used to. Hope Chaplain makes it through the day ok.


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