Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Mystery Q at The Alamo


A Sunday night 8:00 check of the Q sheet showed no Q for the newest-hottest AO in town. YHC had been thinking about making a trip down to The Alamo and this proved to be an easy opportunity.

Mosey around the full parking lot to get the muscles warm and start with a COP full of various fun exercises to include Inverted Scorpion Kicks, Suzanne Summers, etc.

Mosey to the Tennis Courts and for Wheelbarrows. P1 Wheelbarrow from the end line to the net and complete 10 Derkins. Mosey back to the line and repeat with P2. Repeat for 3 rounds for each partner.

Mosey to the street in the front of the main building. When there is no four corners to run around we can still do a Four Points run. Mosey up the street and complete 10 Jump Squats, next stop 10 Jump Squats and 20 WWII’s, next stop 10 Jump Squats and 20 WWII’s and 30 Merkins, next stop 10/20/30 and 40 LBC’s. Now descending 30/20/10 then 20/10 then 10.

Mosey back to the front of the Tennis Courts. Get 2 partners for a Triple Check. P1 run to the front door of the building and back. P2 LBC’s, P3 Squats. 3 people, 3 rounds.

Mosey back to the front of the building for Curb Crawls. Bear Crawl and then (1) Incline Merkin, Crawl Bear back for (2) Merkins. Ladder up to 5 and then back down.

Finish with 2 minutes of Mary featuring Flutter Kicks and WWII’s.

Announcements – SOJ Happy Hour this week at Diamond Billards. Not sure the exact date/time.

NMS – It was a good day to make a road trip. Definitely surprised some people when they rolled up and Lil’ Blue was sitting in the parking lot. Great job to Vagabond and others for taking charge and getting The Alamo started and getting new people out. Way to use the power of Facebook and weaponizing spousal guilt.


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