Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Spring has Sprung


Four semi-regulars not on Spring Break showed up ready to inhale some pollen and enjoy the warmth of the new season. YHC arrived at 5:30 on the nose and this is how it went down.


Mosey to the Amphitheater, make a half loop and square up in the grass for warm-a-rama.

Bootleg takes us through SSH, Helicopters, Don Quixote, Imperial Walkers, Copperhead Squats, LBC, APDs.


Proceed to the bottom of the Amphitheater steps for ascending merkins back to the top (1-18 reps). Turn around and descend and perform WW2 x 5 at each step. Pass to Swirly.

Mosey to Penny Theater for Block Work. Perform exercise, run to the light near the Carillon then return to block. Exercises were:

Block Burpees x 5

Curls x 10

Squats x 10

Overhead press x 10

Block bench x 10

Return blocks to stage and pass to Slippin Jimmy.

Mosey back to the Amphitheater for stage exercises. 3 PAX perform exercise with 1 PAX running the perimeter as the timer. Exercises were boxing cockroach (2 PAX) and Carolina DD. Once complete, return to VSF for brief ab-a-rama.

BT finishes out with leg lifts x 10 (each leg) and inverted plank leg lifts x 10 (each leg).


Slippin Jimmy took us out and reminds the PAX to be present and take advantage of every moment we have with our loved ones.


A small but determined crew showed to hold down the fort while Spring Breakers and new fathers are away. The weather is definitely getting warmer and it won’t be long until we are soaking with sweat before the post even starts. YHC is still relatively broken but happy to be able to get out and at least participate, even if it means doing ab work in the pollen-dusted weeds that will soon be a foot tall in the friendly confines of the amphitheater. Mumble chatter was relatively light and consisted mostly of talk of travel. Safe travels to Bootleg (Missouri) and Slippin Jimmy (the House of the Mouse) as they take off this weekend, and to those already on the road enjoying a respite with friends and family. Swirly and YHC will stay local and be looking for a comfy couch to watch the Masters. BT OUT!


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