Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

An Unexpected 11


Unfortunately, most of the usual OTB suspects were out this morning. To get in today’s required training mileage of 14, YHC met Draper at 530 to get things started a little early. A quick(ish) 3 mile loop brought us back to Starbucks by 6 to pick up Rosie, who was looking for the usual 6-7 OTB mileage. Another loop and 7 miles later brought us back to Starbucks. YHC was expecting to bid farewell to Rosie at this point, but when it was revealed that the final loop was just 4 more miles, he was feeling good and all in.

The temps were great for a long run this morning. Thanks always to Draper for making up the routes. Over two hours of running (coupled with YHCs short attention span) is too long to remember everything that was discussed.

Safe travels for all those on vacation this week for spring break. Apparently Boberry got sick on vacation last week…so prayers for his speedy recovery.



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