Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Chicharron (Pork Rind)


14 of us were there for the Pigskin Family Day at Grid Iron when Pigskin brought not only his son-in-law (Piglet) but his FNG son, whom we kept the Pig theme and named him Chicharron. It was also an un-Tater Q with lots of running (”lots” is relative).

Cardio- Warm up and a mosey to the track. Burpees, then Indian runs, followed by a backwards run, and a karaoke run.

Arms- Curb crawl with incline and decine Merkins (30 total). Bear-Crab Hill Walk where you Bear Crawl up the hill and Crab Walk down it 10 times. Also on the hill was a Merkin Clock.

Abs- An Ab-Beast with WWI, WWII, Crunchy Frogs, Reverse Crunches, Side Crunches, and American Hammers. Wasn’t enough for some so we finished with 25 more American Hammers.

Legs- Dora of 100 squats, 200 lunges, 300 calf raises

Good to see Gomer Pile for coffee afterwards.


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