I wasn’t sure what to expect for my VQ. I spent all week thinking about the direction I wanted to go with kettlebells, until I finally sat down last night to create the workout. For better or worse it was influenced by my experience with Crossfit. I spent well over an hour combing through the Lexicon and Exicon, trying to find the proper names for all the exercises I wanted to perform (a mental workout I was not expecting). By the time I was finished pulling the Q together, I was seriously questioning my sanity (I think at least one other pax questioned it while we were suffering through the EMOM). Turns out jumping rope isn’t as popular as I thought it was going to be. I think it ensured the runners would never join in on any of my future Q’s. All in all the guys put in good work and I was happy to hear the midwife noises. FEBA
W/U – Down drive at B.W. (5-7 minutes)
- High knees
- Ukrainian Soldiers
- Butt kicks
- Karaoke
Stretch (1-2 minutes)
- Finkle Swings
- leg on knee into sitting position
- upper body if so inclined
Super set x 3
- Lunges with weight (8 down, 8 back)
- 30 sec plank
- 10-15 KB Snatch
- 45-50 jump rope or 1 lap around small parking lot
- 20 KB squats
- 30 Russian Twist (double count)
- 20 KB Deadlift
Super Set x3
- 25 KB Swings
- 15 OH KB Press
Abs x3
- 15 WWII
- 10 Heels to Heaven
Numbers, Names, Announcements, Prayer
Shared by Doublemint – The 5k Walk and Roll for The Virginia Home is coming up in April. Consider taking a Saturday to spend time with the residents walking around Swan Lake. https://thevirginiahome.org/events/walk-n-roll/