Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Someone Would Lick It


Three brave runners tested their ambition and pacing with a 23 minutes out, 22 minutes back run into Kings Charter. All three successfully returned in time, though in some cases with slightly less skin than they had when they started. YHC was thinking to himself, in Trent Reznor’s famous words, “I’m gonna run, til I can’t no more.” YHC and Mr. Holland covered 5 miles, and Opus covered 4.8 miles. The runners then circled up with the ruckers, who covered somewhere between 4.5 and 11 bajillion miles. Numbers, names, and Opus took us out, praying for and thinking of Corned Beef and his family’s loss, those suffering in Turkey and Syria, and No Idea’s family’s recovery from covid.


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