Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Kettlebells: Holy Roller Edition


3 PAX posted for an end of the day K-Bell workout on church grounds. A brief summary for your viewing pleasure:

Warm-Up: Lap around the facility, stopped at various points for exercises: SSH’s, Don Quixote’s, Helicopters, Alabama Prom Dates, Plank Jacks, Arm Circles.

Exercise One: 4 corners (prostitute):
10 x WWII sit-ups with lift
20x Upright Rows
30x Lawnmower Pulls (alternate sides)
40x Flutters with overhead hold

Exercise Two: Out and backs with the kettle’s
– Around the Worlds
-Reverse Forearm Curls
-Upright Hold

Exercise Three: Triple Check
-run to the bottom of the hill and back
-Tricep extensions
-Goblet Squats

Back to the Flag for Numbers/Names/Announcements

YHC took us out

Final Thoughts: It was great to see Fresh Prince making a return appearance. The workout was designed to be somewhat leg injury friendly with no sprints, jumps, or things of that nature. Our plan is to potentially meet weekly from 8-845 pm at this location. Feel free to join! On the ride home, YHC realized that I had to Q another workout in approximately 7 hours.


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