Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Marathon Madness


With some of our brothers running the Richmond marathon today, five noble warriors had some fun and honored them on the Gridiron.   Here is how it went down:

  • COP
    • SSH
    • Hillbillies
    • Dead man hang
    • Helicopters
    • Arm Circles
    • Suzanne Somers
    • LBC
  • Marathon boot camp – run the length of the football field and do 26 reps of an exercise, run back and do 2 burpees; repeat 26x
    • Merkins
    • WWII sit-ups
    • Squats
    • CDD
    • LBC
    • Monkey humpers
    • Diamond Merkins
    • Crunchy frogs
    • Alternating lunges
    • Wide grip merkins
    • Side crunches
    • Storm squats
    • HRM
    • Heels to heaven
    • Squat thrusters (with air press)
    • Shoulder taps
    • Reverse crunches
    • APD
    • Crab cakes
    • Freddie Mercuries
    • Flying nuns
    • Chuck Norris merkins
    • Flutter kicks
    • Air presses
    • Dollys
    • Hammers
  • COT with YHC taking us out

Good mix of arms, abs, legs and cardio.  Prayers up for all of our brothers doing 26.2, 13.1 or 8k today.  Much respect.   Great work by the men that joined YHC today!

God is good all of the time!



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