Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Pain ladder


6 Brochachos of F3RVA rolled into The Crucibke today. 3 had run a vigorous 5k beforehand and another ran all the way from Lakeside. YHC and Offshore just drove… ??‍♂️

We started with a pretty standard COP where the Q was on his soapbox about something inconsequential and got called out. it was funny.

Then we moseyed to the fields past the new basketball court thats being built and started on a suicide ladder with added exercises starting with 10, then 20, 30/40… it was too far and gruesome

next we did a football field sized 4 corners where the exercises compounded and you had to run back to the start each time – we even bear crawled a bit. mosey back to the flag for some Mary which was one single Don Q

YHC took us out.

Impact stopped by while coaching a practice run for WeOffTheCouch and promised to come back soon and hopefully headlock some guys from Blackwell/Manchester

Please pray for Gypsy’s sister, Flintstones legal challenges and least of all Shakedown’s patience while teaching his son to drive

Beer mile was tonight – TYA’s forest hill loops coming black friday – see him or me for more details – flyer coming soon

good times were had by all – lots of sweat – see you in the gloom ??


About Author

Husband, Dad, VDOT Environmental, iPhonetographer, Part-time Adventurer

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