Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

41 to 51, does that mean we are all 42?


9 middle aged men gathered at the Forge to greet a new day. According to the Owl here is what went down.

Mosey down to the bottom of the hill, pass the sewage area and mentally re-route the trip back

COP – DQ’s, Deadman Hangs, Helicopters, Imperial Walkers, Ukrainian Soldiers, SSH, LBC’s

Starting at the first light pole (your choice) Big Boy Sit-ups or Burpees. Start with 1 and add 1 at each light pole until the rails

Lung about a quarter of the way up, broad jump, Lung, broad jump to the top

Mosey to the ticket booth area for a triple check

Partner 1 does wall sits, partner 2 does dips while partner 3 runs to the stairs, tooth fairy up and mosey around

Mosey up the stairs and back towards the flag at the bottom of the first hill on Mt Chaplain

Elevens using the hill. At the bottom 10 Jump Squats, Bernie up the hill, 1 (2 count) Ball Dipper

Line up in the parking lot (you choose your mode of transportation) (Lung, Bear Crawl, Crawl Bear, Whatever you decide) from lot line to lot line. 1 Jump squat at the first line and increase by 1 every line until 10

BTTF Numbers / Names Chaplain took us out


Sometimes YHC just feels old and hearing the ages of the guys in our group this morning (Most 42) reminded YHC that I’m not in my 40’s anymore. I tried to workout and run in my 30’s and 40’s but we didn’t have a group like F3 so YHC drank and smoked most of those years away. I am so grateful to have F3 at 51 to be out here pushing myself, asking others to dig deep and push themselves. Keep pushing guys, age is just a number.


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