Four dedicated, beautiful athletes did Indigenous runs around Linwood Elementary and stopped a few times to do the following:
Indigenous run to the back for warmup: SSH, DQ, Hillbillies, Plank Shoulder taps, Outlaws, Freddie’s
Indigenous run to Soccer Field for Double Quarter Pounder At Soccer field. First time: 25 Merkins at 25 yard line, 50 Squats at midfield, 75 Mountain Climbers (one count) at 75 yard line, 100 SSH at the end–each one following by Bernie Sanders back to the start and run to the next exercise. Second time: 25 WWIIs, 50 LBCs, 75 Flutter-kicks (one count), 100 SSH.
Partner up for Dora: 100 Release Hand Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 Lunges (1 count). Partner runs to telephone poll and back.
Indigenous bear crawl the length of the soccer field.
Indigenous run around the school, back to the front.
Last 7 minutes: 10 Burpees, Wall sit, Balls to wall Australian Mountain Climbers, followed by toe taps. Finish with some LBCs, legs at 6 inches and Suzanne Summers.
When it is World Snake Day, I will do this again but with Snake runs.
Announcements: This Tuesday, lunch at Firehouse Subs in Innsbrook, 12-1. October 29 Beer Mile 7PM–see Slack for more details. October 29 is also the launch of F3 Blacksburg.