Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

YHC’s BB are getting stale


10 Elementary school drop outs made their way to the Middle school to see what the missed out on. According to the Collage educated Garbage truck driver this is what happened.

Mosey to the parking lot for COP

DQ’s, Helicopters, Dead Man Hangs, Imperial Walkers, Ukrainian Soldiers, Merkins, LBC’s

Mosey to the bus lot for large parking lot tracers. The busses were not in the lot so we got to do every line in the lot

Mosey walk to the hill for elevens, 1 squat at the top run down for 10 – 2 count ball dippers burnie back to the top

Mosey walk doing various arm exercises to light pole alley

Increasing burpee run, start with one burpee at the first light do two burpees at the next

Triple check – Partner 1 does wall sits, Partner 2 does American Hammers, Partner 3 runs to the first basketball goal and back

Mosey walk into the tennis courts for some four corners

Bear crawl the length of the 3 courts, 10 LBC’s (for Oyster), run the short length 20 Squat Jumps, Bear Crawl the long length 30 American Hammers, run the short length 40 SSH

Mosey to the wall by the flag Partner up

Partner number 1 does Balls to the wall while partner number 2 does 20 WWII’s, each set decreases by 5

Time was called BTTF

Numbers / Names YHC took us out


In a conversation with McRib and Heist, Heist asked how hard was it to write the BB? YHC told him that it wasn’t hard but then realized that after 65 BB for the year YHC’s BB’s are getting less and less creative.

Heist has his VQ on November 16th at SOT


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