Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Heartburn returns


Seven samurai gathered to do battle. Joining the fold after a long hiatus – Heartburn’s triumphant return. Alongside FNG Mudslide, we entered the fray.

Mosey to the back lot for warmups: SSHs, DQs, copperhead squats, slow mirkins, LBCs, rosalita dips, plus some other stuff.

Mosey to the baseball fields where we immediately rolled around in the wet grass for a triple check: timer box jumps up and around the stairs, plus flutterkicks plus hand-release mirkins.

Mosey to the way back lot for some parking lot bear crawl ascending mirkins, then run it back with duck walk and ascending squats.

Mosey to the dog park where sadly, we found that someone has taken the coupons. Out of spite, sprint the length of the dog park followed by 10 burpees, then slow breathing exercises.

Mosey to the pickleball courts, which were locked, so we went to the tennis courts to do a four corners: 5 burpees, 25 carolina dry docks, 50 2-ct mountain climbers, 100 LBCs.

Then a triple check with timer running the length of the 3 courts, balls to the wall, and air press wall-sits.

The PAX asked about Doozy’s whereabouts which reminded YHC that mankillers are a thing. So we did those, which coincidentally happen to be OC’s least favorite exercise. Note to self.

Mosey to the long wood bar where we did indigenous dips all the way down and around the corner.

Shoutout to Heartburn for bringing the good vibes after all that he’s been through – great to have you back. And to Mudslide, 51 – welcome and RESPECT.


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