Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Hot Po-Tater


Pax of 10 this morning for what could have been a Hot Potato but turned out to be a Hot Po-Tater work out.

Arms- Started with 3 sets of Jerkins on the Swings, followed by 5 mins of Burpees, Some Dips and Hang-Ups (pull up bars hold fully extended for 3 count, and then pull-up, repeat 3x, with 20 Dips between).

Abs- Series of 20 count each of Ab-Ripper X knock offs (Crunchy, Freddy Mercuries, Mercury Freddies, Heels to Heaven, WW IIs, WW Is) with Bear crawls and Crab walks in between. Ended with 50 count American Hammers. Then 7’s of Get Ups and incline Merkins.

Shoulders- Jack Web, turning it to 11.

Legs- 3 sets of 20 Squats and 10 Step ups

Finished with ring of fire, Bear-merkins and another round of American Hammers

Good times


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