Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

5 can do a triple check


YHC has noticed lately that triple checks have been challenging, in execution, explanation, you name it… a melee usually happens at this point, two people doing the same exercise, what order should they do the exercises, are you my partner?, etc… So with 5 posting today YHC decided to try an approach to see if there is a good way to execute exercises 3 times to get a nice beatdown going…this was what was going through YHC’s mind while conducting the COP so here is what happened on this sunny (and breezy) 75 degree morning!


We mosey to the newly striped bball court behind the middle school next to the bus loop. we circle up for 10 SSH, 10 DQ, 15 Arm circles(10 small 5 big), reverso, 10 Helicopters, 10 Ukrainian soldiers, 10 4ct LBC’s, 10 4 ct American Hammers, 10 windshield washers, 10 scorpions and 20 merkins.


So YHC has 3 of the Pax post at 3 corners, 1 Pax on the pull up bars(we grab bar in forward/reverse grip, pull up to hold and bring your legs up to your chest) and the final member run suicides as the timer. We set up the rotation where suicides is station 1, station 2 – LBC’s, station 3 – pull up bar routine(4 sets of 5 reps(20 total reps per turn)) was a good workout with each suicide time frame, station 4 – Squats and station 5 flutter kicks.We all went through each station and this took a little over 8 minutes. Repeat this 2 more times for a triple check of this routine.

Mosey to the back of the school gym of Atlee and set up 4 stations with the 5th station being a runner to touch 3 trees and return as the timer. Station 1 – Wall sit, Station 2 – donkey kicks, station 3 – merkins, station 4 – American Hammers. this took about 12 minutes or 4 minutes per each set.

Mosey back to flag and perfecto…we sick the landing at 45 minutes!

Numerama, Namerama, YHC took us out!

Announcements – Tomato Run will post at BW3 off Route 1 (right at 2nd stop light north of 295 Route 1 interchange), check out pre blast in slack or F3 RVA homepage for more details.

It was an honor to lead this morning, have a great week and I will see you in the gloom. Cheers…CB!


About Author

I grew up in Roanoke, Va. Class of 1985 Cave Spring High, class of 1989 VMI Civil Engineering. Worked for Turner Construction in Jacksonville, Miami and Cincinnati, Moved to Richmond, Licensed Class A contractor, and work for Westminster Canterbury Richmond managing their major expansion for the next 4 years. I am married to a Librarian Betsy (UVA grad) and proud father of two awesome teenagers George (aka Hash-F3) and Lucy.

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