Wednesday, September 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Omar Says No to a Nickname


One overweight dude ran 5. One definitely not overweight dude did curls using large power tools in the parking lot. Temps were 70 and sunny. According to the PAX who appointed himself as the hotel security guard, the following may have happened:

Running route: Peters, left on 36th, north to mall, past the pop-up, pay-to-work-out place. Turn around at Broward Blvd. Return via same route.

Workout: curls. At least 65 minutes of equipment curls. YHC saw Omar doing this at 4:55 a.m. and can verify he was still doing it at 6:00.

Number, name, Omar took us out with the following: “What is there to complain about? I’m above ground. That’s ok for me. Complaining doesn’t fix anything.”

NMS: Omar was doing equipment curls this morning when YHC hit the parking lot to stretch just prior to 5 a.m. Blower in the right hand, and some type of mechanical digging tool in the left while walking the parking lot. YHC checked the blower. ~20 pounds. Apparently, there have been car break ins, so Omar has appointed himself as the overnight security guard once his normal work was done. YHC did about 10 minutes of stretching, then the run. When YHC came back about 50 minutes later, Omar was still doing curls walking in the parking lot.

He said no thanks to a nickname, so we’re going with Omar as his nickname. First, if you know the reference to Omar from The Wire, this a perfect. Omar is an upstanding dude from Jamaica. I doubt he’s ever broken a rule in his life. And, I don’t believe he has seen even one episode of The Wire.

UpChuck spits the bit.


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