Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Don Quixo-toll


10 Men of La Mancha gathered in the gloom to tilt at windmills and attempt a new record for Don Quixotes. They thought YHC was joking.

Mosey to the back lot making sure to NOT pay the toll. Warmups: arm circles and dead man’s hang. Line up on the curb and proceed to Don Quixote broad jump across the entire lot. At the other side, 25 more Don Quixotes.

Mosey to the field where 2 lines of 5 men each, in tight formation, bear crawl to the opposite end. From there, a walking lunging arc ending up right back at the beginning. A giant D in the dew. What could it possible stand for?

Mosey further down the field and proceed to walk again in tight formation in a giant circle, arm raises the entire time. Then from the corner of the circle, some other exercise. An enormous D.Q. in the wet grass – as seen from outer space.

Mosey to the pavilion to find a lone Sancho Panza, sitting on the bench, pondering the fields. What was he thinking, watching the PAX do their Dora, timers running the field and back for 50 Don Quixotes, 100 LBCs and 150 plankjacks?

Mosey back to the lot for some 50%/75%/100% sprints interspersed with slow-toll mirkins, mirkins and more Don Quixotes.

Mosey over for a short Post-toll with 25 flutterkicks, 25 jump squats, 25 heels to heaven and 50 ball dippers.

Heading back to the flag going Low-toll under the bar. At the bridge we do NOT pay the toll. From the bridge, a low-toll duck walk back to the flag where we finished with 5 back-breaking… you guessed it… Don Quixotes.

A chivalrous COT and great mumble chatter to start the day.

Shoutout to the PAX for indulging the insanity of a wandering knight, lost in the wilds of his own head.



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