Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Grabbin’ Asphalt


7 men at 7 o’ clock sharp.

Walking warmups: Ukranian soldiers, walking Imperial Walkers, arm circles, Quixote broad jumps.

Improvised 11s: bear crawl up the embankment for incline mirkins, craw bear back down for jump squats.

Indigenous bar crawl with plank jacks the length of the bar.

Mosey to the under-construction tennis courts where we picked up where Chesterfield County left off. Grab a big piece of asphalt for some curls, some kettle bell swings, and thrusters. 50 pole smokers OYO. 45 mirkins OYO. Then we moved as many huge pieces of asphalt as we could from one end of the court to the other at a high rate of speed. Once the new pickleball courts are done, we can safely say we helped build them with our bare (gloved) hands.

Mosey over the baseball field stairs for a triple check: timer runs up, around and down the stairs while partners dip and flutter kick.

Over to the batting cage: first one to 100 donkey kicks calls it out. Last Call with the 100 by a hair.

75 WW2s OYO. Mosey the long way back to the flag with a sprint thrown in, and 3 minutes of burpees to round things off to an even hour.


Tis the season of drinking extra fluids. YHC was completely smoked after his own workout and has no one else to blame but himself. Thanks again for coming out and going along with my improvised madness. One of these days I’ll plan something out.



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1 Comment

  1. I literally threw away my T Shirt after the Q because it was covered in asphalt haha. Nice beatdown Snuff. That sucked mucho.