Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

I Get Knocked Down…


Five men braved the near perfect temperatures at Satan’s Hill to push themselves just a little. YHC admits he was a little worried when he pulled into the New Market ‘hood and saw an empty parking lot. If not for Marmaduke saying he wouldn’t post Monday, YHC would have developed a complex.

Begin with SSH, Stretching, Hillbillies etc.

Run around the four corners of New Market (clocked at 8/10ths mile according to the silver Caddy) and finish at the rock pile.

The PAX selected larger than usual rocks for a non-stop, not more than 10 reps workout with Curls for the girls, overhead press, rows, squats, LBCs flutter kicks, dollies, rosalitas, Suzanne Summers, APDs, Jerkins, dips, Irkins, multiple sets. The PAX needed a change.

YHC broke out his greatest hits list and played They Might Be Giants cover of Tubthumping by Chumbawumba, the PAX had to do SSHs during the verses with one burpee per “I get knocked down, but I get up again in the chorus. After burpee 16, Nacy Lopez threatened to crush the speaker with a rock and YHC thought, “this was easier last time I did it 5 years ago.” The count for burpees was in the high 20s. We concluded with some more abs and a trip and a half up Satan’s Hill followed by BTTF for 6 more burpees just to kill the time. By the end even POG was sweating so it must have been OK.

Nancy went through a slew of announcements. YHC took us out in prayer, thanking God for the difficulties in life that he uses to conform us to His image. Oyster gave the workout his seal of approval, except for “that song that’s gonna stick in my head…”


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