Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Can Navy Men Actually Swim?


Seven men traversed Rutland, Knollwood, and Cool Spring by foot either with or without weight at various speeds.  Runners covered roughly 4.7 miles.

Numberama, Nameorama, COT


YHC appreciated the PAX’s willingness to recycle a known route as opposed to following YHC’s blind lead.  Enjoyed mumblechatter with Phonics and Bulkhead while Marco and Speakeasy pushed slightly ahead.  Discussion involved real estate in Southwest Virginia, Highland Springs Lacrosse and Swim Teams, economics of travel soccer in the US, the GOAT Olympian, and whether or not Navy men actually know how to swim.  Thanks for the hospitality!


Memorial Day convergence – Tredegar/Browns Island 0700

Blood Drive – June 4 – See Slack

Prayers – Lab Rat, Mr. Holland, Mudface’s Irish friend


About Author

When EF Hutton speaks, people listen.

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