Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Almost a Mutiny


15, yeah 15, men of purpose gathered on the shores of Lake Sultree for the latest edition of The Clinic Satan’s Hill. Temperatures were 70 and sunny. According to Marmaduke, sleeping soundly barely 150 yards away, the following quite likely happened:

COP: Quick run up and down the hill, returning to the NM clubhouse. Circle up.

SSHs – 30
IWs – 10
Dead Man Hang – AYG
LBCs – 25
Flutter Kicks – 20
Reverse Crunches – 10
Hand Release Merkins – 10
Scorpion Kicks* – 10 (* Clearly, a Satan’s Hill favorite)

Mosey Up the Hill for a Triple Check:

1st Man: Run down the hill to the parking lot; Bernie Sanders up
2nd Man: squats
3rd Man: Flutter kicks

Mosey down the Hill for a New Triple Check:

1st Man: Bear crawl to the silver car
2nd Man: hold 6 inches
3rd Man: monkey humpers

Traveling COP, bro-code:

Mailbox on the right: 5 HRMs
Mailbox on the left: 10 LBCs

After 1st intersection, add 5 more HRMs for an over-road vehicle or pick-up truck. SUV means nothing.

2nd Intersection: LBCs
3rd Intersection: reverse crunches
4th Intersection: SSHs

Mosey back to the Clubhouse:

Freddie Mercury and American Hammers until time.

Numbers, names, Wilson took us out with a message about peace, love,…yadda, yadda, yadda (no really, he said,”Yadda, yadda, yadda”) and brotherhood.


Hump Day Happy Hour – The Answer, Wednesday, let’s call it 6:00 p.m. But, YHC’s time may be off. Be there, grab a beverage, and your friends will appear.

Tuckahoe Takeover this week. Basically, someone who may not post at your AO very often will appear as the Q, but it won’t be Corned Beef.

May 30, Convergence at Tredegar Iron Works. This will involve brotherhood, getting your butt kicked off the steps, and getting your butt kick on the big hill. Starts at 7. YHC thinks Gomer has the Q.

June 4th – big day. Cancel your other plans and kid’s sporting events, recitals, graduations, etc. The Bridge, 7:00 a.m., Buckingham, VA for a convergence with Charlottesville (those dudes brew their own beer professionally). Stay for food after (and sign up so Vinny can get a rough headcount).

Also, June 4th, give your blood starting at 10 a.m. Location is that church at the corner of Horsepen and Monument where YHCs nephew went to pre-school, but whose name YHC cannot remember even though YHC drives past it every day. YHC is getting older and takes statins. Pigskin has a sign up sheet.

Breaking Bread – This is our volunteer event. YHC asks that you do this 1 time per year (F3 has 24 nights annually). Make dinner for 8-12 people, drop it off on Belt Blvd. at 5:30, and make some people in need very happy. Heck, learn a little about how happy this makes you (and your M and your kids and everyone you brag about this to). We need 2 people for June and 2 for August. You can do this. Drop YHC a line with any questions. Sign up on the Q sheet (it’s on the far right).


Rockin’ good turnout today. 15 is exceptional. Way to go. As part of Tuckahoe Takeover this week, YHC switched to take Satan’s Hill at the last minute and broke a Cardinal rule of Q’ing: don’t Q somewhere unless you know the AO in advance. By “advance,” YHC’s newly created, super-selfish definition is 5:12 a.m. for a 5:30 start. This resulted in YHC casing the neighborhood pre-dawn to find beautiful properties and abundant construction (thanks to whoever left a port-a-potty conveniently in the road – super helpful). YHC found that:

  1. Parker runs to the AO,
  2. Men in New Market do, in fact, ride their Huffy’s to the AO,
  3. Southside Costco had a deal on white mailboxes and black lampposts,
  4. There is genuine concern about waking the neighbors (YHC thinks we escaped without disturbing the peace),
  5. PAX who skip in order to walk the dog will be noticed, and,
  6. It’s great to meet some fresh faces.

Well done today, fellas.

UpChuck spits the bit.


About Author


  1. Good time. Great group. Thank you for letting me visit and lead. Hope to see you all soon.

  2. Nancy Lopez on

    Great Q and glad to have you on the hill. I should have told you about the coupon pile!

  3. Wilson_RVA on

    Solid Q. Officials tapped and while I’m better for going. Duke made a good call. Yada yada yada.

  4. Good Q Upchuck, it was nice to meet you. Come back sometime to see us, but not as the Q.