Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Beat that guy!


7 men who remember the days of running on a treadmill 3X a week at the Y.  Remember the sad clowns of our former self.   Today we said never again.  Today and everyday we choose to beat that guy!!

Thanks for letting me lead today.  Big Data says it’s my 100th Post for 2022.   100 Merkins for the 100th Post!    Tried to make it fun with a cornhole themed workout… Watching Nancy throw bags at POG was the laugh we all needed.   

Warmarama25 Merkins oyo
Mosey to the basketball court.  SSH, DQ, Imperial Walkers, Copperhead Squats, Cherry Pickers, LBC, American Hammers, Arm Circles
Mosey to the front parking lot.

The Thang:

Triple Check:  Cornhole edition
Partner1:   Run to the Curb, toss bag into the Bucket (not regulation).  Miss the bucket = 1 Burpee.
Partner2:  Flutter Kicks
Partner3:  SSH
Switch / Repeat x 3
Mosey to the Tennis Court:  25 Merkins oyo.

Shuffle: Cornhole edition
3 Courts.  Run to the first line, drop the corn hole bag.  On the way back pick up bag and drop at the next line.  Repeat until all lines are done.
Mosey to the Grass:  25 Merkins oyo

Burpee Shuffle:  Cornhole editon
Circle up, run in place.  Each person gets 4 bags.  Toss bag into the bucket.  Miss the bucket and the group does a burpee for every miss.  Repeat
Mosey to the parking lot.

Relays:  Cornhole editon
Make 2 lines.   1 person from each line runs to the bucket and tosses the bag in.  Miss the bucket = burpees.   Repeat 2x.

Mosey back to the flag for a Ring of Fire.
Clockwise, each person completes 10 merkins, Pax holds Plank.
Pax completes 15 More Merkins on your own.

Five minutes of Mary:   Counter Clockwise, Each pax chooses an exercise.
Crunchy Frogs, LBC, Freddy Mercuries, Box Cutters, Alabama Prom Dates, Flutter Kicks, American Hammer.  Recover

Memorial Day Convergence:  Tredegar Iron Works (Browns Island)
June 4th: The Bridge – See Slack for Vinny’s Post
June 4th: Blood Drive – See Slack

Prayers needed for brother Labrat, DTH sister, and Vegabond.

Marmaduke took us out.   

Well done today Fellas, thank you for letting me lead.
See you in the Gloom



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1 Comment

  1. SOJ. We’re going to need a little more cornhole work before the retreat. Thanks for letting me lead. Well done.