Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Spider Run – The Fountain of Youth


Fourteen gentlemen, each getting younger as the days pass, gathered in the sunken bowl to wait for the steam factory to pause so directions could be shared. The steam never stopped. Luckily an oldie but goodie was called. Think of it as a 1950s rock classic, minus the twisting and shouting.

The Route
Mount Henrico

Numbers, names, YHC took us out.

Some people just never grow old, neither does this route. Apparently, if you run it enough, you forget your name and your age. To quote James Hetfield, “nothing else matters”.

Thanks to Flatline for allowing YHC to join. Good catching up, new and old.


  • TYA is taking 1 weekend a month for the Bridge. Come join him or take a Q.
  • Prayers to our PAX member who just started treatment yesterday. We are all with you!
  • Memorial day at Browns Island 7am
  • 6/4 is a big day for blood and the bridge
  • Singer’s birthday was yesterday and we all forgot


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