Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Heartbreak Ridge


10 men gathered for a not run heavy workout and this is what transpired

Mosey 10 feet to the COP

Mosey to the Rusty Cage and partner up. 8 Jerkins per partner and rotate 3 rounds.

Mosey over to the grab the blocks and audible once we discovered the blocks were gone.

Mosey to the Blacktop behind the school for a 4 Corners. Corner 1 – 10 HRM’s, Corner 2 – 10 HRM’s 20 WWII’s, Corner 3 – 10 HRM’s 20 WWII’s 30 Squats, Corner 4 10 HRM’s 20 WWII’s 30 Squats 40 Merkins and descend starting at the third round.

Mosey to the field for a short round of “I’m up, they see me, i’m down” Start in the plank position and pop up run 20 yards and drop and complete 10 Merkins, complete 5 times.

Mosey to the Sidewalk going back up to the Parking Lot all but one person get on the Bars and someone Bearcrawls underneath and rotate.

Mosey back to the imaginary Flag for a quick Ring of Fire

Announcements – Pigskins Blood Drive on June 4th. The Bridge Ministry/workout on June 4th out in Dillwyn, Va. West End lunches have restarted and lunch will be tomorrow? See Slack for details.

Prayer Request – Lab Rat as he goes through treatments. Tryhard’s sister. The people of Ukraine and Lighthouse’s family.

NMS – not a long of mumble chatter today. YHC Calves have been bothering him the last weeks and most recently his Hamstrings have joined the fray. Pinto and Tater say YHC is aging, albeit not gracefully. When YHC saw the Q sheet was open it seemed a good opportunity to control his own destiny by being able to decide the beatdown. Thank you for the opportunity to lead.


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