Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Livin’ it up when we’re going down


10 hardened scholars took to the dark streets of Tuckahoe to start the week with a sweat. According to the maintenance worker setting out cones this is what was rumored to have occured…

Mosey down to the end of Lindsey Ct. for F3 disclaimer and introductions. Warm ups included in no particular order SSH, DQ, Jazzercise, Cherry Pickers, Arm Stretches, Imperial Walkers, Ukrainian Solders.

Everyone is warm so lets get back up the hill. Partner up. One person runs to the top and returns while other partner Bear Crawls, then Lunges, then Jumping Herpes. Meet at the top then slow mosey to the basketball court.

Love in an Elevator – 4 corners: 10 HR Merkins, 20 WWII’s, 30 Squats, 40 Monkey Humpers. Lady of the Night while you stop at every corner to repeat the previous exercises.

Still time left on the clock – BTTF for 5 minutes of Broga to work out the kinks.

Names, Numbers, Announcements, Prayers, YHC took us out (poorly by Bodos standards)

Blood Drive June 4th – Needs volunteers to run the event and give blood. See Pigskin for Details.

Memorial Day Convergence – 7 am at Browns Island. Gomer is leading with Hitch bringing Coffee.

NMS: Great job this morning fellas. 4 corners was brutal in the warmer conditions but you gents crushed it. Not much mumble chatter. Broga was selected over 11’s as my arms were done. Always good to get back out to Hoedown to start the week off right. Thank you for the opportunity to spend the morning with you guys. YHC is going to sign up for Bodo’s public speaking classes this fall.


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