Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

hitting a wall


4 guys came out to take on the day the right way.

COP — SSH, copperheads, hrm’s, hillbillies, arm circles, scorpion kicks, dying cockroach, plyometric jumps, smurf jacks, flutterkicks, dirty dogs

to the wall
16 mountain donkeys
8 a side one legged wall squats, run to end of lot and back
increase to 20 and 10
24 and 12

Short Dora
stump merkins 50
regular merkins 100
AST’s 150
partner lunges to building and back

20 per side skull crushers at picnic table
25 dips

run the inside loop, jumping and touching overhangs
20 squats
run 1/2 the loop with the jumping thing
20 monkey humpers
run the other half
20 WW2

stretching for a few minutes

Speakeasy, nice job this morning for your second bootcamp ever. Hope you continue to make this a part of your routine. Fun times this morning! SYITG!


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