Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Pipeline Called, it wants your ankles back


13 best of the best ready to take on DogPile.  No Fartsacking, No Sad Clowns.   Could this be the first Pipeline run for 2022.  You Betcha!    Let’s get after it.

Mosey to the end field.  SSH, DQ, Copperhead Squats, Arm Circles, Helicopters, Ukrainian Solders, Merkins, LBC, Flutter Kicks, Maybe a few more.

The Thang:
Pole Smokers
10 Heals to Heaven, Run to the end.
Pax waiting: Flutters Kicks, Freddie Mercuries, LBC, 6 inches.
2-3 rounds.   

Mosey to the Penny Stage

Triangle of Death
Grab a Coupon.  Round 1
Overhead Coupon Carry to the 1st Point (Corner of Fence) Drop Coupon.
Sprint to the next Point (Tree)
Sprint to the next Point (Penny Stage)
Sprint to the next Point (Fence). 
Grab Coupon, overhead carry to the next point (Tree). Drop Coupon
Sprint  (Penny Stage)
Sprint (Fence)
Sprint (Tree)
Grab Coupon, overhead carry to the net point (Penny Stage). Drop Coupon
Last Sprint around. Wait for the six.   
5 Coupon Burpees.

Round 2 – Reverse
Overhead Coupon Carry to the (Tree) Drop Coupon.
Sprint to the next Point (Fence)
Sprint to the next Point (Penny Stage)
Sprint to the next Point (Tree). 
Grab Coupon, overhead carry to the next point (Fence). Drop Coupon
Sprint  (Penny Stage)
Sprint (Tree)
Sprint (Fence)
Grab Coupon, overhead carry to the net point (Penny Stage). Drop Coupon
Last Sprint around. Wait for the six.   
5 Coupon Burpees
Penalty- Honeymoon broke his Coupon.   5 more Coupon Burpees.
Return Coupons.

Mosey to Love Hill.   Mosey down Love Hill with a series of stops along the way.

Mosey to the Pipeline for a Triple Check.
Partner 1: Run the Pipeline
Partner 2:   LBC
Partner 3:  Squats

Mosey back to the Flag.   series of stops along the way.  Lunges, Reverse Lunges, Bernie Sanders.  Curb Merkins, Curb Dips.  Back to the Flag with a Minute Left.  25x SSH.

Announcements:  See Slack for Vinny’s Post about a monthly visit to the Bridge.   Flatline is leading this initiative.   Also June 4th – convergence at the Bridge.  

YHC took us out.   Thankful for all of our blessings, thankful for each and everyone of you. Let’s give him all the Glory.  Prayers Needed for DTH sister and our brother Labrat.   

Well done today Fellas, thank you for letting me lead. Those Pole Smokers seemed a bit easier on paper.

See you in the Gloom



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  1. Yes indeed, those pole smokers smoked me for sure. Great Q all around. Thx for leading Oyster. Lab Rat and Try Hard, praying for you guys and Elisabeth. God is good.