Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny



4 men show up for different workouts and with the 1/2 Marathon in the books, the Bootcamp/Run option was in full force this morning. Below is the work out

Run Option

Spit and Mr Holland ran a 10k in 53 minutes…way to push guys as this was one of the part of the Monument 10K sign up was running a virtual 10K along with an actual 10K next weekend.

Bootcamp Option

Corned Beef and Helix decided on the bootcamp option and here is what went down:

Mosey to bus loop and form up for cop


20 ssh, 10 DQ, 10 Ukrainian Soldiers, 10 Imperial walkers, 8 4ct helicopters, 15 arm circles, 10 small and 5 big, reverso, 20 American Hammers, 20 LBC’s, 10 Scorpions, 20 merkins.


Bus Loop switch

First plan was to alternate running the bus loop lap as the timer, partner 2 performed an exercise. We did this work out 3 times. The first exercise was step ups on the bench, the second exercise was a continuous alteration of 2 dips and rolled over to 2 incline merkins and the final exercise was squats.

Next we mosey to the basketball court for a “True Dora” where Partner 1(P1) runs a suicide on the basketball court as the timer and P2 performs 1 pull up, 2 push ups and 3 squats, repeating this order until they switch continuing the count and alternating until we reach 100 pull ups, 200 Merkins and 300 Squats.

Mosey to the Tennis court for Sideline mid court opposite sideline brocode work.

First effort we lunge to mid court, bernie saunders back then lunge to far sideline and bernie saunders back.

2nd effort Bear crawl to mid court and crawl bear back, bear crawl to far sideline and crawl bear back.

3rd effort – Side lunge(step squat) to midcourt and side lunge back (staying facing the same direction to work out both sides). Side lunge to far court side lunge back.

4th Effort – Crabwalk to midcourt Bunny hop back – Crabwalk to farcourt (CB lunged this one) and bunny hop back.

5th Effort – Gorilla walk hop(GWH) to midcourt, GWH back, GWH to far court and GWH back.

Mosey to weight room wall for touch a tree and donkey kicks. P1 – Touch 3 trees as timer and P2 donkey kicks, switch and this was one rotation. We did 3 rotations.

Mosey back to flag for some stretching and to meet up with the runners.

Numberama, Namerama and Mr. Holland took us out in prayer.


Great workout for everyone and we are beginning the dual workout options at our AO’s so come check it out as there is no excuse for running or bootcamp as we have you covered. This is also the plan for the Tuesday ANVIL workout that it will be both the run and boot camp options; however, with Gomer posting as Q at Daville on Monday, I expect that there will be mostly running at Anvil on Tuesday….we will see!

Have a great weekend gents and we will see you in the gloom! Cheers…CB


About Author

I grew up in Roanoke, Va. Class of 1985 Cave Spring High, class of 1989 VMI Civil Engineering. Worked for Turner Construction in Jacksonville, Miami and Cincinnati, Moved to Richmond, Licensed Class A contractor, and work for Westminster Canterbury Richmond managing their major expansion for the next 4 years. I am married to a Librarian Betsy (UVA grad) and proud father of two awesome teenagers George (aka Hash-F3) and Lucy.

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