Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny



Circus Maximus featured a “substitute for Atilla” Q. After last week’s 100% upper body KB workout, I took the hint and Q’d today. Please be sure to sign-up to Q. Next time, Atilla will likely make it 100% leg exercises or something equally awful.

Welcome Link to his first time at Circus Maximus. Congratulations to Fireman Ed for figuring out how to put his shirt on correctly. And Congratulations to Soul Train for his second Circus Maximus as well as the headlock on Link.

Warmup with SSH, IW Russian Soldier, Don Quixote, Shoulder stretch

20 and 5, 15 and 10, 10 and 15, 5 and 20 of the following pair of exercises. Generally, followed each pair of exercises with a stretching exercise.

Swings and Curls
Press and Rows
Single Leg Deadlift (both sides add up to 20, 16, 10 and 6) and Triceps Same leg goes up as the arm with the kettlebell
10 Burpees and Run to end of covered sidewalk
Racked Lunge (both sides add up to 20, 16, 10 and 6) and Single arm press on back
Goblet Squat and Renegade Rows (both sides add up to 20, 16, 10 and 6)
Squat-Press and Lawnmowers
10 Burpees and Run to end of covered sidewalk
20 Swings
20 Curls
20 Upright Rows
20 Triceps
20 Overhead press
20 Goblet Squats
20 Sit-ups using KB to anchor feet
20 Rosalita in cadence
6-inch leg lift for 1 minute



Blood drive June 4, Saturday, at Epiphany Lutheran from 10 to 3.

F2 this coming Tuesday. Gypsy is pulling together.


About Author

Retired from Duke Energy in Charlotte after 40 years in various accounting roles. Started with F3 in Charlotte summer 2012. Moved to Richmond area summer of 2021 to be near son, daughter and grandchildren who live in the Richmond area.

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