Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

The Evilness of Boberry


Thanks to a crummy cold gifted by the M and 2.0, YHC has been out of commission for close to a week. It was great to get out this morning and get in some miles.

Flatty showed up ready to ruck, but with no other ruckers in sight, he opted to pound some pavement with YHC and Bo.

Boberry planned a 10Kish route. On the outside, Bo appears to be just an all around nice guy. You’d count yourself lucky to be his friend. But, there is a darkness lurking on the inside. YHC couldn’t help but notice that Bo’s route had us on a clear descent for over 3 miles. At the bottom of Otterdale, I swear I heard maniacal laughter as we began the three mile ascent back to the start. ….Well done Bo! The route was just what YHC needed.

Boberry had to jet for early church service. YHC enjoyed coffeeteria with Flatty.


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