Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Triangle of Death


9 F3 RVAers plus a well knowns out of towner joined to burn off winter fat.

Mosey to the Toll Both Parking lot for COP. Upchuck quickly warned YHC that Toll Booth Willy might come out and yell at us, so we moved to the grass

Mosey to the Nickel Bridge for a romantic moonlit lightpole jaunt. on the way out 5 WWII’s on the way back 5 HRMs

Brief Mary to catch our breathe

Mosey back down hill near pump house. Various exercises going up to hill

Mosey to the Triangle of Death and partner up. Round 1 P1 run the Triangle P2 WWII’s Round 2 P1 run P2 half HRM’s half Squats and repeat the same for R3

Mosey the long way over to the field for an Animal walk. Starting with YHC pick an animal and do that walk for two trees and switch. we made it through everyone.

Mosey back to the flag for a free minute without exercise

Bacon Bits said we covered 3 miles today

No Annoucements

Prayer requests – Roger Roger, Lighthouse/Lighthouses family in the Ukraine, Ukraine itself. Also we pray for everyone surround Two Cans recent situation and for all those involved, including Two Can himself.

NMS – lots of running today, YHC thinks a lot of the Pax (including himself) will be wishing for a nap today


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  1. Nicely led. The rare Handshake Q and the even more rare Handshake back to back Q.

    Sweet moon over the James.

    Great to have the band back together.