Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Block Party at Trinity


Seventeen elite gentlemen gathered in the moon-lit parking lot for today’s iteration of Hoedown. Men gathered from afar, likely due to today’s pseudo-holiday. Hitchhiker attempted to steal the Q but no one listened. YHC called let’s mosey and the PAX followed down Forest to Trinity.


  • 20 SSH
  • 10 Helicopters
  • 10 Imperial Walkers
  • 10 Don Quixotes
  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 Freddie Mercuries

The Thang

While thinking through Q options this weekend, YHC felt like a higher intensity, cardio workout was due. Therefore, a 1K 5K was called. Partner up for 1000 exercises while your partner runs the horseshoe, to Stuart Hall, and back. Exercises were 100 hand release merkins, 200 Lt Dans, 300 WWIIs, 400 SSH. Collect the six as some teams began to finish then mosey back to the VSF.

Digits and alphabetic assignments before YHC took us out.


Who knew Trinity UMC was such a mecca for early bird walkers? The PAX came across at least 3 individuals doing laps through the parking lot. Since we were 17, they had to modify. Apologies to the neighborhood for crashing the party.

Not much mumblechatter today due to the requirement to count. Most teams were close to finishing the 1k exercises so YHC will call mission accomplished on that one. With about 7 laps and the mosey to and fro, we should have been close on the 5k also. Great push everyone.

Kudos for Florence for calling out coffeeteria after the workout. Seems like there was a strong following converging on the local Starbucks. YHC would have joined you except Henrico decided that a day of recognition for our 46 presidents only deserved half a celebration, so off YHC went to shuttle the youngest to the bus.

Here is link to a brief reflection on the history of this day.


  • Arrive at Source of Truth by 5:50am Saturday to clown car to the Bridge. See Flatline for more details.

Spring mornings are on the horizon. Looking forward to more mornings like today.




  1. Solid Q. Nice to partner with Faceplant, who graciously tolerated YHC’s speed today. 200 is a lot of Lt. Dan’s.

    Hats off to Splinter for managing the two dogs. They l were happy to yap at the two lady walkers, then sort of gave up for us. That’s leadership, fellas. Alpha.

  2. Those 200 Lt Dans were painful. They basically added up to 600 movements. Nice beatdown Splinter. Enjoyed the 2nd F with the Starbucks crew also.

  3. They definitely took longer than expected. After we did 25 in the first round I almost audibled but the complaining seemed tolerable. Great job everyone!