Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Snatch and grab


8 men descended to the glorious grounds of Timberwolf. High on the competitive spirit of the olympics (not to be confused with the banned substances taken by the Russians), an excellent beat down ensued. According to the lone runner going round the track, this is how it went down.


Nancy Kerrigans

Michael Phelps 

Hairy Rockettes 

Dead man hang

Collard Pickers


Flutter kicks


Peter Parker’s 

mosey to the track for…

“Olympic Triple Check”

2 groups of 4 so we did four exercises, 3 times…

Lap around track

Apollo ono’s

Bonnie Blair’s 

“Snatch and grab“ (Squat and touch the ground, then extend and hands in air with the invisible bar)

back to the flag, 5 burpees OYO.

numbers names YHC took us out


Did not think through how long the triple check would take. All good, made for nice mumble chatter and YHC has some things on the Weinke for the next Q. great work yall, have a great day!


About Author

F3RVA member since 9/26/19. Came to fIrst beatdown OYO, Q'd by Marmaduke. Welcomed by Hermes, Rosie, Honeymoon, Cerrano, Bullseye, Nancy Lopez, Lugnut, Punxsutawney. Proud to be part of the fine group of men that is F3RVA. Husband, Father, member of the community.

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