Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Partner carry tooth fairies, is that a thing?


5 strong men Forged in fire made their way out of the Gloom for a beatdown at the Forge this A.M.

5:30 4 men strong made their way to the flag poles for COP

DQ’s, Helicopters, Imperial Walkers, Russian Soldiers Mosey over to see who rolled in half way through the COP

Collect Bone Thugs as our 5th wheel to finish out COP with SSH’s, Merkins, LBCs and Dead Man Hang

Mosey to the stairs for 11’s 1 Donkey Kick at the bottom, Tooth fairies up the stairs, 10 LBC’s at the top run back down

Mosey to the corner of the parking lot

4 corners (regular) 10 – Jump Squats, 20 – Ball Dipper (2 Count), 30 – Calf Raises, 40 – Squats

4 corners (regular) 10 – WWII’s, 20 – Scrunchy Frogs, 30 – American Hammers (2 count), 40 – LBC’s

Use the hill for a partner triple check – we had 5 total so two teams of two each team working as a partner while YHC was the 3rd partner. Partner team 1 does Jump Squats, partner team 2 does merkins, partner team 3 bernies up the hill does 1 burpee at the top and runs back down

Mosey to light pole alley – Bernie up the hill stopping for one burpee at each light pole to Forrest Hill Rd

BTTF with 1 minute left – sit in a peoples chair for 1 minute WOW a minute is a long time

Numbers / Names YHC took us out


The tooth fairies proved to be one of those exercises that looked good on paper but in reality where a real smoker during the beatdown. Originally, YHC had called Merkins at the top but modified it to LBC’s mid way up the 15 steps worth of tooth fairies (X10). After the ball of man there was a conversation about tooth fairies and how DTH could make them suck worse, that’s when the thought of how we could partner carry while doing tooth fairies came up. It was a unanimous decision that anyway you slice it, Partner carry tooth fairies is just a bad idea.


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1 Comment

  1. Thanks for not mentioning partner carry tooth fairies before the beatdown. It gave us time to think through what a dumb idea it really is and everyone still has their chicklets.