Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

6 more weeks of winter


A Sextet of Early Risers dressed in their Wednesday finest arrived on the manicured streets of Tuckahoe to see what YHC had in store for them. 5.30 hit and this is what was rumored to have occurred according to the plethora of security cameras in various yards.

5.30 struck, slow mosey to the church patio. F3 disclaimer, introductions with a warm up that included DQ’s, Helicopters, Arm Circles, Reverso, Merkins, Rosalitas and LBC’s. Since we were already in position, why not kick things off with Mankillers, always a crowd favorite.

With a Warm PAX we moseyed down to Country Squire for a triple check that included HRM, WWII’s with runner going to the sign and back. 3 rounds.

Catch me if you can back up to the triangle. Bernie Sanders with partner doing 1 burpee and sprint. Switch until you reach the triangle.

Another Triple Check at the triangle. Carolina Dry Docks, American Hammers, Run to the light and back.

Mosey to the parking lot for laps. Runner runs the lot, partner performs exercises – Bearcrawl, Lunge, Broad Jump Burpees.

Ab Ring of Fire complete the time. Crunchy Frogs, APD, Oblique Crunch and Hello Dollies

Names, Numbers, Prayers for those at Bridgewater and Harrisonburg area. YHC took us out

NMS: Good mumble chatter this morning. Ranging from frozen popsicles to movie recommendations. One Pax member decided to press his junk on the patio window based on his M’s reaction looks like we have 6 more weeks of winter. Great working out with you this morning in the cold. This AO is always a highlight of the week.


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  1. Well done, Last Call! Especially enjoyed the pre-game Broga.

    Ronnie needs to redeem himself next Wednesday.

  2. I like to keep things entertaining. First Watch has its own special culture. Where else can you talk about smashed twig and berries?