Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

York Peppermint Paddy


Towards the Batcave and make a left on Ridgeway to Fairway to Robin/Iris. Cross Three Chopt and take York to Maple.

4s take a left on Maple, a left on Dustin, and a left on Pepper to cross Patterson.

5s/6s take a right on Maple and a left on Grove. 5s turn left on Lexington and 6s on Wisteria; with both turning left on Patterson. 5s take a left on Pepper while 6s take a right on Maple to pick up the Dustin/Pepper loop.

With all distances heading south on Pepper, take Pepper to Three Chopt for a quick left and then right on Towana. Come back in on campus with 4s/6s taking the right wishbone and 5s taking the left.

Marv took us out.

Announcements: Punisher Happy Hour at Bingo Beer. 2/7 @6:15 (6pm if you want to run first).


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