Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

What’s a Hammer Dance?


Hardywood’s farm equipment remains parked in the PAX parking area, but he did not emerge. Instead seven gloom warriors started the day with:

The Thang:
COP: SSHs, Hammer Dance, IWs, DQs, Flutter Kicks, Freddie Mercurys, Carolina Dry Docks
Ascending Derkins: 1, 2, …, 10 derkins on various benches with some moseying in between.
On the basketball court, three rounds of Donkey Kicks, Bear Crawl, and SSHs, Invincible Jump Rope for the six. 15, 20, and 25 Donkey Kicks.
Mosey to the Jerkin Gym for three sets of 8 Partner Jerkins.
Mosey to the football field for a traveling Lindsay with Broad Jumps and WWIIs.
Back to the VSF for Six Minutes of Mary.


NMS: Hammer Dance was not on the Weinke, but when Gomer showed up in parachute pants and windbreaker, and Fireman Ed asked what the Hammer Dance is, it was inevitable. YHC swears there were more benches at Heartbreak during the Obama administration, which HoneyDo noted was the time of YHC’s last Q. Lighthouse commented that Bear Crawls feel like a break after a Crawl Bear uphill. YHC likens it to American Hammers with and without a kettlebell. YHC and Handshake need to work on our Partner Jerkin dismount if we are going to be ready for Paris 2024. At Punisher last night, there was a debate over whether Pigskin ever takes a day off – YHC remains in the “no” camp.


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