Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Who is the out of state visitor with the white beard? Can it be Santa?


16 regulars came out on a clear winter morning to see who the jolly visitor with the white beard was. Some thought it was Santa, but found a better surprise when Toga joined us in the Gloom. We did:

COP on blacktop: SSH, Don Qs, Hillbillies, Merkins, Flutterkicks, Scorpion Kicks

THE THANG: Stay on blacktop for some 4 corners:

11 at each corner: Round 1: Merkins, Round 2: V-Ups, Round 3: Burpees. Then 2 rounds of 22 PLTs.

Mosey over to Coupon Drop zone, hoping we had 6 or more blocks to use. We had just enough for a Triple check: Mtn Climbers, Squat Thrusters, run loop. Mosey over to 3rd back lot for: Wheelbarrows, Crab Walk, Lunges, and Bear Crawl. Mosey down to TES lot for Bearrows: 4 HRMs at each arrow and bear crawl the loop.

Over to flag for 1 min of Mary. COT and YHC took us out.

NMS: Last 2 times Toga has posted at Hoedown YHC has been the Q. Is he timing his family visits to RVA to get a Honeydo beatdown?? Always good to have him back in RVA. Many PAX were expecting a Fudd sighting as well, maybe later this week.

11s on the 4 corners took a while to hit the theme but EF Hutton figured it out. 44 Burpees was just enough to warm us up. We learned that Bodos checks our Coupon drop zone daily to ensure proper coverage. Always good to have Kubota post on a non-Wednesday and happy birthday to Libby!

Good times at Starbucks after with a good group.


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  1. It’s always good to be back in the old stomping grounds. There are some things you can always count on.., like Honey Do calling for another 4 corners workout. It was great to see some old and new faces while not seeing those you hope to miss (Fudd). Re the white beard, we can’t all be gingers.