Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Make a freaking lay up!


3 Davillian studs came out for an unseasonably warm pre-Christmas beatdown:

-invisible jump ropes, arm circles, crab cakes, copperhead squats, body builders

-high knees, butt kickers, shuffles

mosey to track

-@ 25- 5 hand-release merkins @ 50- 5 hand release merkins, 10 WW2s @75- 5 hand release merkins, 10 WW2s, 15 mountain climbers @100 – 5 hand release merkins, 10 WW2s, 15 mountain climbers, 20 monkey humpers (run back to start between)

-plank variations

mosey to basketball court

-triple check- runner carrries 8 lb medicine ball, balls to the wall, copperhead squats

-mary w/ lay ups- one man dribbles down the court and shoots a lay up and then dribbles back while other 2 do assorted mary — free throws- same idea but different exercises- SSHs, planks, shoulder taps etc.

-4 corners- 10 hand release merkins, 20 ww2s, 30 monkey humpers, 40 skull crushers

to finish: 100 curb taps, 15 curb walks

— Good times this morning- solid beatdown, great chatter. Gloves make it hard to make the basketball shots. Tis the season.

As always, grateful to lead..


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