Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Icey Sleety Potato


Four plus one late-comer from afar descended upon a sunny and 70 degree morning at WDog. Typical WDog conversation about when the Carillon would re-open and who has seen the fence up the longest was a consistent theme of chatter. YHC saw it was 5:30 and no Q so Hot Potato was called.

YHC started it out with a quick stretch, because well stretching is always important.

  • reach for the sky
  • deadmans hang
  • right leg over left leg and touch toes and then flap jack
  • some arm stretches

Then we were off for a nice mosey to the first circle near the amphitheater. Since there were just four at the time, each team of two put their hands on the curb around the circle and at each break point in the curb did one merkin, each team of two proceeded in opposite directions around the circle side-ways bear walking, until the teams met up on the other side of the circle. Neutral made an appearance somewhere in the circle exercise and he was welcomed into the PAX.

Then on down to the amphitheater, each step up descending squats, 1 on up to 18. At the top wait for the 6 then YHC handed the potato off to Corned Beef. Sidebar discussion here, as we got to the top of the amphitheater we thought it was starting to rain but it was too hard for rain and a nice big sleet storm rolled through dropping a bunch of ice balls on us. It quickly passed and Corned Beef had us mosey on over to the poles for some pole smokers. 5 leg lifts each with each person holding 6 inches, Neutral held 10 inches.

After that mosey on over to the blocks, everyone gets a block, and each person runs to 6 trees sans block while rest of the PAX does exercise of runners choice. 5 rounds of this, then returned blocks and potato went to Bleeder. Sidenote, YHC did not listen and only ran to one tree, but PAX believed that YHC was just so fast that no one questioned, YHC will make up for it later.

Bleeder lead all over to the triangle hill. 3 rounds,

1st round – bear crawl flat, run down hill, 10 burpees at bottom, and Bernie Sanders up hill.

2nd round – lunge flat, run down hill, 20 WW2s, and Bernie Sanders up hill.

3rd round – backwards lunge flat, run down hill, 30 somethings, and Bernie Sanders up hill.

Mosey on back to the flag for names, numbers, and announcements

YHC took everyone out, remember to be kind to people was the message of the day.


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