Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

An animal that starts with “U”


4 stout Davillians on a brisk December morning:

mosey to alcove: Invisible jump ropes, helicopter, scorpions, lbc’s

short mosey to parking lot: high knees, butt-kickers, karaoke, shuffle, bear crawls, broad jumps

mosey to overpass: DORA-timer runs half way to the top and back, 100x american hammers, 200x crabcakes, 300x flutter kicks, 10x boo yah hand release merkins

mosey to speedbumps: 25 partner leg tosses- partner up- timer runs to next speed bump or light pole and Bernie Sanders back Round 1- shoulder taps Round 2 -Monkey Humpers Round 3- plank jacks Round 4 Lt Dans Round 5- Heels to Heaven — on you own: 50 curb taps, curb walk(hands) 10 steps R and 10 stepl L

mosey to flag: spider man push up rotation x 5 , plank variations on curb with “Alphabet Game”

AWESOME GROUP!!! YHC had everything on paper as usual.. had 3 minutes to get to 6:15 so we lined up on the curb and YHC said “trout, name an animal that starts with an A”.. we made it to “U” before Trout was stumped and said “Umpire!”. You could tell Opus has several children because he knew them all. Great way to end the beat down

Blessed to lead as always. Thank you


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