Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

You don’t like Moroccan nightclubs? How do you feel about running?


9 men posted to find 1 at a solo broga (props to Last Call for getting it done) and 1 who would show up late, though he has a much better excuse now than “I was up all night playing video games”.

Mosey to Parking lot for COP

DQ’s, 5 Burpees (OYO), Helicopters, Dead Man Hang, 5 Burpees (OYO), Imperial Walkers, 5 Burpees (OYO), Russian Soldiers, 5 Burpees (OYO)

Mosey to the end line of parking lot

Parking lot crawl 10 spaces, Bernie to the end line head back with inch worms (broad jump, lung (each leg), Burpee) repeto all the way to the end

Mosey to pavilion

YHC had planned a great workout that kills the shoulders but it takes a lot of time. PAX decided mumblechatter was on tap for the day and when explanation couldn’t be heard addible was called and PAX moseyed back to the parking lot. Sprints from one end to the next 100% down and back, 50% down and back, 100% down and back, 50% down and back.

Mosey back to the pavilion and partner up

Partner 1 does exercise while partner 2 runs (X5), 10 Burpees OYO

Mosey through the back of field to Johnston Willis Hospital parking lot. 10 Burpees OYO

Light pole parking lot tracers

Bernie to each light performing type of Merkin called for each set of three lights increasing by one at each light in set

Mosey back through the fields to the basket ball court

Merkin Suicides starting at 1 merkin per line for the first set and increase by 1 for each set after that.

BTTF Numbers / Names / DTH took us out


F3 stands for Fitness, Fellowship and Faith when any 1 of those 3 gets out of balance the wheel doesn’t turn well.


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  1. I just heard a paster with a great analogy about being new in faith but it applies well to our F3 life as well.

    A little boy fell out of bed one night and in the morning his dad asked him “why did you fall out of the bed”? The little boy said “I guess I fell asleep too close to were I got in”.

    Let us not fall asleep too close to were we get in but remember not to fall off the other side of the bed either. Sleep comfortably in the middle of the bed.

  2. Brutal beatdown this morning Doozy. Certainly brought the suck with the sprints, parking lot crawls and burpees. Good to get off campus and prove that there is an illuminated option at No Toll. Look forward to seeing what new ideas you brought from far away lands as long as they do not involve suicides and have limited burpees. Thanks for leading.