Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Like a Thief in the Night


A mighty team of three set forth on a crusade to ease hunger in the Richmond area. Rucks were readied, equipment checked, and off we departed from Hoedown.

First Stop: Bacon Bits – A neatly assembled bag of canned food with Miller Lite rucking beer to keep the Pax inspired.

Second Stop: Upchuck’s – The man himself came out and opened up his trunk and added substantial weight to our rucks. He then tempted us with a ride to pick up the cans in an expedited manner. We declined. Rucks up and off we went.

Doubling back to Ronnie’s to see if he was home and wanted to partake in an impromptu raid of his pantry. Turns out he was at a party. Brief Pax mumble chatter about relocating a miata.

Down the hill and walked past Marv’s. Outside ceiling fans were on, but seemed quiet inside. TYA must have wired them to the front porch light. We kept rucking.

Stop 3: YHC’s place to unload the food and resupply for the next loop.

Stop 4: Pucker’s place – No cans around front, so around the back we went. Pucker was playing guitar and watching tv. Out he comes with food and eager to hear of our adventures.

Stop 5: First Watch – EF Hutton stashed a source of protein ala peanut butter and tuna. The light’s are bright off hours at First Watch. Sage advice was discussed regarding church parking lots and the need for nocturnal illumination.

Stop 6: Kubota’s – Execute dead reckoning through what could have been a county easement or perhaps a drive way. Either way, we emerged where we needed to be. Kubota’s outpost complete with fire pit, 2.0s and hydration.

Stop 7: YHC’s place to unload and debrief around the fire pit. Pucker joined in and great conversation all around.

The following day, YHC collected food from Splinter, Fireman Ed, Honey Do, and Pigskin. With the RVA contributions, YHC made a donation to the food bank.

Thank you everyone for your support and making someone else’s lives a little better this holiday season!


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  1. It was a great idea. Sorry I couldn’t join you. Next time I’ll expect more than a late “you up” text?