Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

RB2 at First Watch


It has been awhile since YHC posted at First Watch and having the Q on this nice cool morning, with 4 additional F3 brothers showing up here is what went down:


We do a short Mosey and circle up for 20 SSH, 10 DQ, 15 Russian Soldiers, 15 Imperial walkers, 15 Arm circles 10 small and 5 big, reverso, 10 Helicopters, 20 4ct American Hammers, 10 4ct LBC’s, 10 scorpions and 20 merkins.


We mosey to the other side of parking lot for a Red Barchetta, YHC lays out 6 glow sticks(GS) 20 yards apart, we start on one end and run to the farthest end (6th and perform 100 SSH and we run back to the starting line and plank for the six. We then run to the 5th GS, perform 75 Lunges (single count), run back to the starting line and plank for the six, run to the 4th GS, perform 50 LBC’s, run to the starting line plank for the 6, run to the 3rd GS 25 merkins, return to the starting line, run to the 2nd GS and perform 10 Burpees, return to start. We are now warmed up.

YHC polices up the GS and we mosey close to the flag and drop 2 GS each 30 yards apart in the shape of a triangle for a Bermuda Triangle. Corner 1(C1) we perform 1 burpee, bear crawl to (C2) 2 burpees, bear crawl to C3 and perform 3 burpees. For the Second round, perform 5 merkins, lunge to C2 10 merkins, lunge to C3 15 merkins. Finally 5 LBC’s C1 Bernie Saunders to C2 10 LBC’s and Bernie Saunders to C3 and 15 LBCs. YHC polices up the GS drops them next to flag and we divide into one group of 3 and group of 2. We perform a triple double where P1 runs lap as timer and P2 performs Donkey Kicks. When P1 returns he performs DK’s while P2 runs lap. Next exercise is Lunges and the final exercise is mountain climbers where P1 an P2 flapjack running lap and exercise. Kubota and YHC stayed together as P1 for our group and it was great to catch up.

Next YHC pulls out the deck of cards and each member of the PAX chooses a card….funny thing is that they all drew the ‘clipboard’ card where they count the reps of the exercise for everyone else…we all laughed then went on to the business at hand. Card one5 Oblique crunches (5 each side), 8 Luge (we assumed it was meant to be 8 lunges), 10 butt kicks, 7 LBC’s and 10 Rosalitas.

We mosey back to the other side of the parking lot and YHC lays out the GS the same way as before; however this is a reverse Red Barchetta where we start at GS 2 10 Burpees, return to start plank for 6, then GS3, 25 merkins, return to start and plank for 6, then GS 4, 50 lunges and return to start and plank for 6, run to GS 5 (25 merkins, 25 squats and 25 LBC) finally run to GS 6 (25 merkins, 25 squats, 25 LBCs and your own choice for the last 25 reps.)

YHC gathers up the glow sticks and we return to the flag for 1 minute of stretches then Numberama and Namerama.

Lockjaw took us out in prayer today


Since this workout is so early, we usually have time for Coffeetera. Kubota had to get to work; however, the rest of us were able to gather at Starbucks and catch up. Lockjaw treated YHC to a cup (Flatwhite) and thank you brother! As we were wrapping up we saw Doublemint come in for a cup as he had finished a tennis session.

It was great to see some brothers I have not seen in awhile and it was an honor to lead this morning. Have a great weekend everyone and I will see you in the gloom. Cheers…CB!


About Author

I grew up in Roanoke, Va. Class of 1985 Cave Spring High, class of 1989 VMI Civil Engineering. Worked for Turner Construction in Jacksonville, Miami and Cincinnati, Moved to Richmond, Licensed Class A contractor, and work for Westminster Canterbury Richmond managing their major expansion for the next 4 years. I am married to a Librarian Betsy (UVA grad) and proud father of two awesome teenagers George (aka Hash-F3) and Lucy.

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