Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

These blocks still have some life left in them


Seven strong swung over to HBR for a beatdown. We did:

COP: Invisible Jumprope, Don Qs, Hillbillies, Merkins, Flutterkicks.

Mosey to covered side- Aussie Mtn Climbers. Head over to tennis courts. Bear crawl across court, run 2nd court, then 20 merkins. Repeato with Crab Walk, Bunnie Hops, & broad jump burpees.

Over to basketball court: 6 HRMs at each hoop, alternate bear crawl and lunge between the 6 hoops. 2 rounds of benchkicks and Dips. Over to DK wall for some more Aussie Mtn Climbers. 3 sets of 20 PLTs.

Down to the coupon drop zone, grab a coupon then onto field. Partner up: Murder Bunny length of field while other pax runs length and back & flapjack. 2 rounds of Block the Plank.

Drop coupons then another 2 rounds of Derkins and benchkicks.

NMS: Crisp morning with regular group of HBR veterans. We did have whole AO to our own with no 5.0s, other workout groups, the one walker on the track pretended we didn’t exist. Bacon Bits apparently is on the Q sheet with his VQ coming soon to First Watch. YHC looks for him Q’ing at HBR soon as well.

YHC tries to call Hand Release Merkins whenever both Atilla and Handshake are both there. Lots of whining about how broken and dirty the coupons were, the frost should have killed any poison ivy on them. Anyone who gets a rash can submit their complaints to HR.


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