Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Hammer Time


Eight SH regulars showed up for a special 1,289th anniversary workout remembering the Battle of Poitiers in AD 732.

warmarama: SSH, Cherry Pickers, Mur’cans

1 mile run through scenic New Market.

Rock pile, choose large rock for military press, curls for the girls, bench, flutter kicks , LBCs

Run to top of SH

back for more rock work

Indian bear crawl up SH.

back down for rock work.

one last run up SH.

end with ab workout including the Charles Martel.

COT prayer home.

Throughout the workout YHC told the story of Charles Martel (the hammer) who unified and led the Frank’s as they repelled the invasion of Western Europe by Islamic raiders. October 11, 732 Charles met them outside Poitiers and saved Western civilization. The importance of this battle cannot be overstated and YHC believes all free men would do well to honor the memory of Charles.


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1 Comment

  1. Thank you to all of you for showing up and participating. I especially appreciated the bear crawl.