Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

0% Chance of Rain


A helpfully divisible 12 converged at Hoedown this morning. The meteorologists said 0% chance of rain, which was confusing because all evidence pointed to the fact that it was in fact raining. After painfully grappling with this unhappy development, and making many comments about the reliability of local meteorologists, we accepted reality and proceeded with the Thang:

COP in the first Third Church lot: Deadman hang // Helicopters // Cherry Pickers // DQs // Imperial Walkers // Russian Soldiers // Crabcakes // LBCs// Inverted Crabcakes // Merkins // Elbow Plank // Pickle Pounders // SSHs // Burpees. Mosey to middle lot.

Triple Check with a Coupon. Round 1: P1 Squat Thrusters, P2 WW2s, P3 Run the loop // Round 2: P1 Manmaker Merkins, P2 Flutterkicks, P3 Run the loop // Round 3: P1 Block Burpees, P2 American Hammers, P3 run the loop. // Bonus Round: P1: Overhead Presses, P2: LBCs, P3: Run the loop.

Four Corners, Four Rounds. Round 1: 28 Squats in each corner // Round 2: 21 LBCs in each corner // Round 3: 14 Merkins in each corner // Round 1: 7 Burpees in each corner. Mosey back to school

Triple Check #2: Balls to the Walls // Mountain Climbers // Run the Loop

COT: Some cool down stretching. Numerama, Namerama, YHC took us out.


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  1. Great work guys. Check out slack for info on the Blood Drive on Oct 20 and the Memorial Beer Mile this Friday.