Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

largo e presto


3 guys showed up to take on the gloom. Here is what happened —

Slow and fast mosey — 10 lunges followed by a quick run, repeato until we did the whole loop of the school

COP — every exercise was done slow, then fast
arm circles
Smurf Jacks
Plank Jacks
Imperial Walkers

Doracide — one person runs the others do the following slow exercises
50 tempo merkins
75 slow ww2
100 slow squats

10 slow flutterkicks

CMIYC — On person runs the inner loop, the others do polar bears until person 1 catches them. do this twice.
Switch from polar bears to lunges. (2x)

slow dips on the benches

curb toe tap medley
30 seconds on, 30 seconds rest
40 seconds on, 20 seconds rest
50 seconds on, 10 seconds rest
full minute on

Some light stretches

Numbers, Names announcements

YHC wants to remind everyone to slow down a little and do things right. Not just with exercising, but with life as well. Take a step back, relax, be slow to speak and quick to listen.

Peace out


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