Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Parking Deck Fun


3 gloom warriors approached WTH with a can do attitude. One warrior did extra credit by running to the AO and then home. 

The thang:

Mosey to the cement pad for a little Trader Joe’s for Warm-a-rama:


10x Don Q

Plank 1 minute




A quick jog to the Parking deck where we did 7s to the top in hopes of a morning sunrise, but the cloud covered sky prevented the view, but at WTH it’s always sunny and 70.

7s included squats and merkins

Run to the start for 25xWW2s

7s back to the top which included Ball dippers and Burpees

Run to the bottom of the parking deck for 50 flutters

Mosey a couple alleys on our way to the gazebo for 50 dips. A couple of Bernie sanders legs were thrown in on the way.

Complete the mosey back to the flag for dynamic stretching and 2 minute cool down.

Thanks for letting me host today!


About Author

Realtor by day! Pilot by trade! Let me know how I can help! 804-627-1073

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